Why CR?

I moved to the community and had no friends, and I just needed someone to understand my grief, my pain, and to walk that journey with me. I found that group of friends at Celebrate Recovery.

Is Celebrate Recovery for you?

Are you lonely?

Have you experienced a loss in a relationship?

Do you find yourself trying to please others in a way that you feel compromised?

Then CR is for you.

Only about a third of the people who attend CR, attend for substance abuse issues. While we definitely address addiction, most of our participants attend for other reasons, including: loneliness, anxiety, divorce and relationship issues, loss and disappointment, fear, food issues, lust, pornography and sexual brokenness, control and avoidance, lack of community and isolation, shame and grief, drugs, alcohol and other addictive behaviors, feelings of insecurity and worthlessness. Come find what you need at Celebrate Recovery.

When I was first told about CR, I thought ‘That’s not for me. I’m fine.’  But in reality, I wasn’t fine, I wasn’t okay.

I was in so much pain and I needed some relief. I was ashamed and I didn't love myself very much. In Celebrate Recovery, I was loved until I could love myself. I'm not ashamed anymore.


Need a clean start?

Celebrate Recovery works with local jurisdictions to provide community service and also meets the requirements for participants who have to attend 12 step meetings for drug court and other court ordered programs. We provide a structured and encouraging environment for those who are rebuilding their lives from the consequences of behaviors and choices that can fill a person with shame and regret. CR is a place that provides hope. Life can change. Come and meet people who will share their lives with you.

I was staring at a marriage I was failing in, life that I was failing in, struggling to find a place that I fit in. What I found at CR was a family that believed in me, that loved me even when I couldn’t love myself.

Is your marriage hurting?


Celebrate Recovery is a place where marriages and families are restored. We believe the most loving thing you can do for your family is to work on being a healthy person. At CR getting healthy is contagious. Once someone starts getting healthier, it’s hard for their spouse and family not to be curious about what is causing the change. Just because the beginning of your story hasn’t gone the way you hoped, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Let us help you write the rest of your story in a new way, not only for you, but also for those you love.